randpy.ai Banner - Explore R and Python Integration

About rpy.ai

Too often does the debate of R versus Python occur. Many times, those debates end with “R is dying”, “Python is better”, or insert any number of clever responses. I am a firm believer that both languages can and should coexist with one another (#BetterTogether). The vision for rpy.ai is not to force you to pick a side. Choose the language you feel most comfortable with. Choose the language that fits your needs the best. Or, choose both. Here, we will not only compare the two languages and their functionality, but showcase the power of both used in conjunction.

By no means am I an expert on either programming language. If I had to choose, I would choose R as I am much more comfortable with it. This deep-dive into #BetterTogether is just as much a learning experience for me as it is you. Together we will solve interesting problems, create beautiful visuals and form a deeper love for both languages. Who knows, maybe one day we will bring in Julia…